Do you wonder what messages might be sent to you while you dream and how you can use them as guidance in your daily life? You may not be conscious of all of your nighttime dreams, but we all dream when we are sleeping, and these sleep states can provide valuable information in the waking world. Until focus is put on dreams, you may only recall something that seemed humorous, bizarre or scary, but not how that dream might be informative in your waking world. The truth is dreams can send us powerful messages that translate to daytime hours if you know how to pay attention to them. It’s a fun way to consciously interact with the universe around you. Here are some ways to understand the dream world and start building a bridge between it and your waking reality.
Ask a Question or Make a Request Before Bedtime
Before you go to sleep, try putting a question out to the universe. It might be a question regarding a decision you need to make, or it could be a request for guidance during a particularly difficult time. By vocalizing the question (either out loud or just in your head), you trigger your subconscious to seek guidance while you sleep. You may be surprised by the amount of assistance you get when you discover the correct way to ask. The answers you receive can be powerful tools to use throughout your day.
Write Down Your Dreams
Even vivid dreams can easily fade away shortly after waking, taking their valuable lessons with them. As soon as you rise in the morning, write down everything you can remember about your dreams including colors, sounds, smells, and emotions. This will help you discover which messages to pay attention to and will allow you to come back to the dream later for more information if need be. A dream journal can be very enlightening when kept over a longer period of time, especially when you read it in the context of what is happening in your waking life.
Look for Synchronicity and Signs in Your Waking World
When you start remembering and interpreting your dreams, you’ll find there are clues and signs everywhere that apply to the waking world. You may find that a specific animal appears regularly in your dreams and that you encounter the same animal as you go through your day. You may also see that specific numbers, sounds, or people appear to you in dreams and that these are hints to look for them in your waking world for guidance. When you get more adept at interpreting your dreams, you’ll start to see that nothing is a coincidence and that your dreams are a powerful bridge to the greater universe.
Your waking and dream lives should not be kept separate. They are deeply connected and the valuable lessons and guidance are there for the taking if you simply know how to look. If you want to benefit from the rich nighttime lessons that exist in your dreams and learn how they translate to the waking world, use the above tips to tune in and interpret the lessons the universe is trying to teach you.