We are all connected through Mother Earth and it is through this connection that we can feel a part of something larger and find peace in our journey—no matter where it takes us. However, in a busy world full of digital distractions, synthetic energy, and unnatural foods, it’s easy to start losing sight of that connection. We rely on clocks to tell us when it’s time to rise and retire and instead of looking to the heavens for answers to our questions, we look to our over-crowded schedules. When we lose touch with the universe, we are more prone to anxiety, depression and stress. Here is what you can do to get yourself back in rhythm so you can benefit from the natural therapy of nature.

Spend More Time in the Natural Environment

Do you spend most of your days in your home, office, or car? If so, you’re being constantly bombarded by noise, synthetic lighting, and a number of other ‘unnatural’ sensations that can easily throw you out of balance. Make a point to spend at least an hour a day in nature to help counteract this and enhance your life. If you live in a city, find a park to walk through on a daily basis. If you’re lucky enough to live near a lake, forest, or the ocean, spend time soaking up these natural environments as much as possible. Just listening to a babbling brook or watching a bird land on a tree branch can be enough to enliven your senses and bring you back to the rhythms of life.

Turn Off Electronics

Are you a slave to your cell phone, virtual scheduling tool or alarm clock? If so, you’re ignoring the natural rhythms of the day. Try taking a few days off from your electronics (weekends where you don’t have anywhere to be are a good time for this) and see how you feel. Try rising with the sun instead of when your alarm clock goes off. Instead of falling asleep to the television, read a good book and go to bed when you feel tired. When you stop relying on electronics to set your daily schedule, you may naturally fall into the more natural rhythms of the earth.

Eat in Season

Due to preservatives, easy shipping techniques, and new farming techniques, it’s possible to eat almost any type of food you want regardless of whether it’s in season. While this can make for a larger variety in your diet, it can also weaken your connection to natural rhythms. When we eat what’s in season, we get more flavor and nutrients out of our food, reduce our carbon footprint, and tune in to what Mother Nature intended for us to put in our bodies.

Pay Attention to the Cycles of the Moon

Simply taking note of the cycles of the moon each evening is a wonderful way to enhance our connection to the planet. Read up on what each phase of the moon means and how it can influence your schedule. Starting new projects or endeavors with the new moon and using the full moon cycle as a time to celebrate your accomplishments (big and small) are just a couple of examples of adjusting your life to be more in synch with the lunar cycles.

When we take a step back from the chaos of our normal lives and tune into the natural environment, we can better ease into the rhythms we’re meant to follow. By spending time in nature and paying attention to the natural wonders of our world, we can adjust our rhythms and enhance our well-being.