I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” But does that seem like a pipe dream to you? Many people go to work each day with thoughts of the weekend already on their minds, hoping to get through the eight hours and get home as soon as they can so they can live their ‘real lives’. Their work is not only not fulfilling, it may be draining, leaving them feeling exhausted and depleted. If this sounds like you, you’re probably pursuing a career rather than a vocation. What’s the difference and how can you dedicate your working life to something that truly matters? Here are some ideas.

What is a Career?

While a career is more goal-oriented than a job, it’s still focused on making money to pay for the things that really fill your heart such as your family, hobbies, and travel. Maybe you got there because it seemed like what you wanted, or you were told it would be a good move, or maybe it fell in your lap. Though you may be very good at your career and have spent years in school or training to get where you are, you still think of it as something you do to pay the bills and you strive to keep your career and personal life separate so you can have ‘balance’.

What is a Vocation?

A vocation is similar to a career in the sense that it pays the bills and allows you to have the freedom to pursue your hobbies and take care of your family. However, if you are pursuing a vocation, you never feel like you’re going through the motions or that you’re simply working to get through to the weekend. A vocation is a calling and something for which you have a driving passion. If you have a vocation, you feel you’re working for a purpose and this provides you with a deep sense of fulfillment. Careers and vocations can actually be the same ‘job’—the difference is how you feel about it and what type of personal satisfaction you get from it. To put it simply, a career may give you satisfaction but a vocation brings you joy.

How Do You Find Your Passion?

Many of those who find themselves in a career rather than a vocation got there because they listened to everyone around them instead of listening to themselves. You may have gone to medical school because your parents were both doctors or decided to become an attorney because your high school teachers told you how well suited you were for the courtroom. However, you probably ignored that little voice in your head telling you that your real passion was something very different.

Finding your passion is all about tapping into what brings you joy, fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. Looking at your hobbies and what you do in your spare time can be a good place to start if you really don’t know what you’re passionate about. Think about what you loved to do as a child to see if there are clues there. Ask yourself the question, “What would I be 100% happy doing for the rest of my life even if I never got paid for it?” When you really start to think in this way, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the answers come to you.

We all deserve to have a vocation that fills us with satisfaction and joy. When you pursue a vocation as your life’s work, you benefit from the experience and those you serve benefit as well. It’s never too late to re-evaluate your work and make a change.