Many societies and religions regard animals as spiritual guides and messengers that show up in our lives when we need to learn an important truth or be pointed in the right direction. For those of us who are willing to open our minds and listen to what the universe wants to tell us, animal encounters can serve as emotional and spiritual sign posts that help guide us on the correct path. Animals may appear to us in dreams or in the actual physical kingdom depending on our circumstances and environments. Our only role is being open to their message and knowledgeable of their meaning. Here are six different animal guides you may encounter and their meaning.


Squirrels are delightful little creatures. They are playful, agile, fast and free. Always harvesting and storing nuts for the winter, squirrels are hardworking and always prepared. When squirrel shows up in your life, ask yourself these questions: Where am I out of balance, under exerting or overexerting energy? Am I overly worried about the future? Or unmotivated to get things done? Am I taking life too seriously, without taking time to play?


Crows are extremely intelligent, highly adaptable, community oriented, and excellent communicators. Crows always know what’s going on and blatantly shout warnings of danger when predators are near. While some may find them annoying, crows incessantly nag to remind us of wonder and magic. Their black color speaks of creation, as new life is born from the dark. When crow shows up in your life, ask yourself these questions: Is there something in my life that needs to end in order to birth something new? Do I believe in magic? Am I able to maintain proper boundaries for my health and safety?


Snake is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. True to the feminine form, snakes move in curves like a river. Snakes have tremendous rejuvenate powers, as evidenced when they shed their skin. Using extra sensory perception, snakes search for their prey by feeling vibration in the ground, tasting the air with their tongues, and smelling the environment. Many snakes can even sense body heat. When Snake shows up in your life ask yourself these questions: Am I over exerting my masculine nature? Is there something in my life that I need to shed for renewal? Am I engaging in life with all of my senses?


If you need to reconnect with your spiritual path, you may find an encounter with an eagle in your near future. The proud and stately eagle is a reminder to be true to yourself and your goals and also to stretch your limits and belief in what you can accomplish. Just as the eagle soars above the land, a visit from an eagle may be just what you need to see your problems from a higher vantage point to gain perspective. When eagle appears in your life, ask yourself: Am I being true to myself? How am I limiting myself in life? How could I stretch myself to become all I’m meant to be?


Mice are nocturnal, resourceful, and very detail oriented. As food source for many predators, they are prolific. Mice are highly social creatures who love to play, rest and cuddle up together. They gnaw on things to file down their teeth, which never stop growing. When mouse shows up in your life, ask yourself these questions: Am I in need of community? What new ideas do I need to chew on and mull over? Am I being a pest, or are there pests (people or thoughts) that I need to get rid of? Am I neglecting the details of my life?


If you’re feeling lost and don’t know which path to take, an intuitive wolf may enter your realm to provide guidance and protection. Just as wolves venture into the forest to experience unknown circumstances, you may be called into situations that are uncharted or uncomfortable. When wolf appears in your life, ask yourself: Am I listening to my intuition? Am I resisting change, and feeling fearful in taking a needed leap of faith in my life?

There are many spiritual guides in the universe and animals are just one more way for us to tune into the wisdom all around us. When you are knowledgeable about the meaning and messages of different spiritual animals, you can open your mind to their guidance and take heart that you are on the right path.