As you may be aware, using numerology can be a powerful connection to the Universe and can help you interpret signs as well as better understand your unique path. Though every number carries meaning and can help you answer questions and make decisions, there are three numbers—known as ‘master numbers’—that are especially powerful. The master numbers are 11, 22, and 33, and they hold special meaning in numerology and represent a powerful connection to the other side. Here is what the three numbers mean and how you can recognize and utilize them to better understand the Universe and your role in it.


11 is the most intuitive of all numbers and represents illumination, coming into balance with oneself, and is a portal to the other side. If you’re open to the guidance that comes through, you can communicate with spirit and develop incredible insight. 11 is the psychic number, so if you are continually exposed to this master number, it could mean that you should put more of a focus on developing your spiritual connection. As you visualize the number 11, you can see that it represents a portal. If you move toward that gateway, you can open yourself to spiritual awakening, connection, and deeper awareness.


22, is a magnified version of 2, which is often thought to be the most powerful of numbers. 22 represents duality, partnership, and the ability to be a powerful creator in one’s personal and professional life –often well beyond the scope of what you think is possible. If you recognize a pattern of seeing 22 in your life, it could be a clue that you should focus on cooperating with others and the world around you from the feminine place of harmony, balance and patience.


33 is known as the master teacher number. It represents higher spiritual guidance and can lead to an expansion of consciousness. Those who encounter the number 33 repeatedly on their journey may find they are being called upon to help build a better world and influence others to reach a deeper level of understanding regarding the spiritual realm. Sacrifice may be required for those who see this number, but it will be sacrifice that has true meaning.

By understanding the energetic and frequency of these three numbers, you’ll be able to interpret what it means when you see them in your everyday life. It’s common for these numbers to appear when you look at clocks, but they may also appear on license plates when you’re driving, or crop up as you dial phone numbers or work on your monthly budget. If you want to put the power of master numbers to work for you, you can plan trips or big decisions for the 11th or 22nd of the month, seek out a home address that incorporates one of the numbers, or set an alarm so you can perform a meditation or other ritual at 11, 22, or 33 past the hour.

Master numbers are the most powerful of all numbers in numerology. If master numbers consistently appear to you on your journey, it’s a sign to stop, pay attention, and listen to what the Universe is trying to tell you.