Ways to Stay Balanced as Seasons Change
This is my favorite time of year, but experience has also taught me that pumpkin carving time quickly turns to a flurry of other end-of-the-year activities. Festivities with friends and family is joy filled and [...]
8 Ways Writing Can Transform Your Life
Life is busy, and if you don’t currently have a writing practice, it may not sound appealing to add one more thing to your schedule. But as many of the great minds of history and [...]
Healing with Creativity: Painting
When you look at pictures of cave art you have to admire the natural human inclination to express through art. Artistic techniques have evolved, and humans have found that painting allows for far more than [...]
Healing with Creativity: Laughter
As far back in the human experience as we can trace, there has been laughter. We begin laughing within months of being born. Children laugh hundreds of times per day. Yet life seems to become [...]
Healing with Nature: Food as Medicine
The infamous Hippocrates quote “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” resonates still today. It is an essential truth for our time as humans on earth. Regardless of the latest nutritional crazes [...]
Healing with Nature: Earthing
Walking with bare feet has existed since humans first arrived on this planet. As our cultures became industrialized, wearing shoes became the sensible thing to do. Far from our natural origins, modern culture’s proclivity for [...]